Dental Bonding
Fountain Valley, CA

Woman smiling after getting dental bonding by Bijan Famiily Dental Practice in Fountain Valley, CAYour teeth have some important functions. In addition to functions like biting and chewing, your teeth are also a key component in the quality of your smile.

Your smile is very often the first thing that others notice about you. Any type of imperfection in your teeth, no matter how minor it might seem, can significantly affect your smile, your confidence, and the impressions you leave.

At Bijan Family Dental Practice we can restore, and enhance, the beauty of your smile with dental bonding.

Are Minor Imperfections Dragging Down Your Smile?

There are some minor flaws that can have a major impact on the quality of your smile. These imperfections include
•  Minor chips or cracks in your tooth enamel.
•  Gaps/spaces or black triangles between your teeth.
•  Teeth that are unusually small or misshapen.
•  Discoloration.
•  Small cavities.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a quick, non-invasive, painless procedure that is performed to restore the appearance of teeth affected by minor flaws, helping to greatly enhance the beauty of your smile. The procedure uses composite resin to achieve these goals. The end result is a composite filling. Composite resin is made from a mixture of fine glass, plastic, and other materials.

It is a tooth-colored material, meaning that it can blend in perfectly with the surrounding tooth enamel. No one will be able to tell that your teeth have been worked on. Additionally, composite resin is extremely versatile and can be shaped and molded to meet some different needs.

Why Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding provides several incredible benefits. These include:
•  The color of the material. Because composite resin is tooth-colored, it blends in seamlessly with the rest of your tooth structure.
•  The procedure is quick, taking less than an hour to complete.
•  The procedure is non-invasive and completely painless. You do not need any type of anesthetic.
•  Dental bonding is the most affordable cosmetic dentistry solution for restoring teeth affected by minor flaws.

How Is Bonding Done?

The process for getting dental bonding is quick and simple. You only need one appointment, and the procedure typically takes about an hour or less to complete. For most, the process is done in less than 30 minutes. This quick process reduces dental anxiety and fear in patients. We start by cleaning the teeth. Next, we apply an acid etch to the areas that are going to be treated. This creates a rough texture on your tooth enamel to enhance the bond between the bonding and your teeth.

The acid etch is washed off, your teeth are dried and bonding agent is applied to the tooth and cured with a special light. Next, we take the composite resin material and apply it to the targeted regions of your teeth. We shape the material as necessary to achieve a perfectly natural appearance.

Once the desired shape has been achieved, we then use a special light to cure or harden, the tooth enamel. Finally, after the material has been cured, we use a specialized tool that is designed to polish the material. The material is polished to a smooth, natural, beautiful finish.

With dental bonding, we can restore, and even enhance, the beauty of your smile, which can greatly improve your self-confidence. For more information, and to find out if dental bonding is right for you, call Bijan Family Dental Practice at (714) 421-4494 to schedule your appointment today.

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(714) 421-4494



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Bijan Family Dental Practice | | (714) 421-4494
18109 Magnolia St, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
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Dental Bonding Fountain Valley, CA | Bijan Family Dental Practice
At Bijan Family Dental Practice, we can restore, and enhance, the beauty of your smile with composite dental bonding. Schedule your next appointment today!
Bijan Family Dental Practice, 18109 Magnolia St, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 / (714) 421-4494 / / 1/22/2025 / Key Phrases: Dentist Fountain Valley CA /