If You Get Sick, You May Need a New Toothbrush

Posted on 4/25/2019 by Dr. Bijan Modjtahedi
If You Get Sick, You May Need a New ToothbrushOne of the most important things you use for your overall hygiene is a toothbrush. However, did you know that it is important for you to switch out this toothbrush every three months and also when you become sick.

You need to make sure you keep up on your oral health while sick, but also that you don't continue to make yourself sick by using the same brush.

Why Replacing Your Toothbrush is a Big Deal

Toothbrushes hold a lot of bacteria on them. This is why replacing them is important. You should not use the same toothbrush or toothbrush head for more than three months. If the bristles are wearing out before then or if the toothbrush seems worn down, replacing it sooner is also ideal.

Whenever you feel the need to replace your toothbrush, just do it. There is no harm in replacing the brush as often as needed. It is important that you use a clean bristle brush so you can have a cleaner mouth overall without the extra bacteria the brush might provide.

When you are sick, germs are what causes your sickness to happen. When you brush while sick with the toothbrush, you're leaving these germs on the bristles of the brush. If you get over the sickness and go to brush your teeth again with the same brush, you have a higher chance of re-infecting yourself with the same sickness or passing the sickness to someone else that brushes their teeth.

Ask Us if You Want Extra Tips to Keep Your Mouth Healthy

If you want more tips and tricks on keeping yourself healthy and having better overall teeth, then speak with us today. We can get you in to see the hygienist and get an exam done through our dentist. Everyone benefits from a healthier, cleaner mouth. Remember, cleanings should be done in our office every 6 months for the best results!

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