What Fluoride Does for Your Teeth

Posted on 12/20/2018 by Dr. Bijan Modjtahedi
What Fluoride Does for Your TeethFluoride is a mineral that researchers have found to have potent capability of strengthening teeth enamel and reduce the risk of tooth decay. This is why it is added to water and oral health products in small quantities. Fluoride works in many ways:

Remineralization Comes from Fluoride

The growth of plaque due to poor oral hygiene and the consumption of too much sugar can cause leaching of minerals from the enamel. The body can usually reverse demineralization but this process may be in vain of proper care is not taken. Fluoride helps promote remineralization and growth of more durable enamel.

Fluoride Counters Acid Corrosion

Fluoride inhibits harmful enzymes produced by the bacteria within plaque. In addition, it hampers optimal production of acids that weaken and eventually corrode the enamel.

How Much Should You Take?

Age, gender, and the concentration of fluoride in the water that you drink determine the amount of fluoride that you should intake per day. Consult a healthcare professional to get an expert opinion on how you should go about supplementing your fluoride intake.

You can also ensure that you are ingesting fluoride by brushing your teeth two times per day using fluoridated toothpaste. Your diet is also a key factor. Consider incorporating healthy foods such as cassava, healthy red meats, a wide variety of fish, milk products, eggs, and yams.

Side Effects

Excessive consumption of fluoride can cause weak bones and ligaments, muscle weakness and nervous system problems. High doses of fluoride in children before their permanent teeth come through the gums can cause tooth discoloration. This condition is known as 'dental fluorosis.' This can happen when children under seven take fluoride supplements who live in areas where the water supply is fluoridated. It can also occur when children swallow toothpaste.

We understand the importance of optimal oral health and our team of qualified dentists is always available to deal with any concerns that you might have. Call us today.

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